InterLibrary Loan Request



InterLibrary Loan (ILL) requests are for items the Roseville Library does not own and will request to borrow from other library systems.

Requests cannot be placed for :

  • DVDs
  • CDs
  • Audiobooks
  • College textbooks
  • Books published within the last 6 months
  • Books only held by overseas libraries
  • Books where the owning libraries charge additional fees

Loan Agreement

InterLibrary Loan requests may take as long as 4-6 weeks to arrive, depending on the response time and shipping mode of the lending library. The Roseville Public Library does not guarantee that all items will be available for loan or processed within a certain amount of time.

Any items that the Roseville Public Library already owns will not qualify for an ILL and those items will be placed on hold for you.

The library will notify me if they are unable to obtain the requested item.

I agree to pay shipping fees, up to $5.00, for each InterLibrary Loan request. The shipping fees will be charged to my Roseville Public Library account, upon receipt of the item. 

The Roseville Public Library will hold my InterLibrary Loan for 7 days, before returning the item to the lending library. I understand I will be charged the shipping fees even if I do not pick up the item.

If an item is lost, damaged, or overdue I will be charged the cost of the material, as determined by the lending library. These charges will be applied against my library card and may result in suspension of my borrowing privileges.

ILL Request Form
