Kiana Shaw
How do I work up the guts to tell my parents that I am being bullied? What do I say in the "sex talk" with my teen daughter? How do we grow into a family with strong self-esteem and goal-setting habits?
All at once a guide, a workbook, and an organizer for ones' thoughts, I Choose To Be a Lady answers all of the questions above and more. Hygiene and etiquette, sex and love, career growth and job-hunting, social media and privacy-author Kiana Shaw...
Even when, mothers and daughters love each other very much, the teenage years can be a trial of miscommunication and hurt. Daughters feel like no one can understand what they're going through, while mothers desperately try to impart the wisdom they have gained from their own experiences-and yet, all too often, both end up talking past the other.
For women trying to help their daughters or surrogate daughters, A Mother's Diary is a blessing. In this...